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The Parish School of St Werburghs Spondon

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The Parish School of St Werburghs Spondon


Our pupil voices tell us:

"I always feel safe at St Werburgh's" (Oct '23)

"You really care about keeping us safe" (Oct'23)

"The teachers respect us and listen if we have any worries" (Oct'23)

For safeguarding information click the links below:

Our Safeguarding Offer Leaflet

Safeguarding Team

St Werburgh's Designated Safeguarding Lead:

Miss E Gibson


St Werburgh's Deputy Safeguarding Leads:

Mrs R Dean - Headteacher


Mrs L Dean  - SENDCO and Inclusion lead


Mrs A Barradell - Early Help and Inclusion Lead


St Werburgh's Local Academy Committee

Mrs K Leatherbarrow - Local Academy Committee Member for Safeguarding

DDAT Safeguarding Lead

Heather Hogg


 Safeguarding roles and responsibilities 24/25

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024

Our Early Help Offer

Our Early Help Offer:

Support for all:
We have an ‘open door’ policy to communicate, providing time to talk to all parents, children and families, to ensure all children are safe, happy and learning. We are available to talk via telephone and face to face and provide time for our parents to communicate and work with us (e.g. through structured conversations, parents' evening meetings and daily availability)

We encourage children to raise any concerns with us and, through our PSHE curriculum, we teach them how to ask for help, how to look after their mental and physical well-being, and what constitutes healthy relationships.

Targeted support:
We can work more closely with families and children who need extra support. Our team in school can provide lots of advice on issues including:

  • Toileting
  • Establishing routines
  • Support for learning or good behaviour
  • Parenting tips and tricks

    Interventions or personalised programmes may be used to support educational, social, physical and emotional needs. We might complete an Early Help Assessment with you to help identify areas of need and the support needed to best support your family.

Early Help Leaflet 

Looked After Children

Looked after Children and Previously Looked After Children

Prevent Duty

What is the Prevent Duty?

Contact Numbers and Links

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Miss E Gibson

01332 673827


Children’s Social Care Initial Response Team

phone numbers can be found via the link: 


Out of Hours - Contact Numbers

Children’s Social Care Initial Response Team

phone numbers can be found via the link: 

https://www.derby.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/safeguarding-children/worried-about-a-child/ phone numbers

If a child is at immediate risk of harm, please phone the police on 999 immediately.

Quick Link to Social Care

If you believe a child is in immediate danger please ring the police on 999.

This link will take you to the Derby City Council Social Care contact numbers page:


Links to Safeguarding Policies 

Here is a link to all our policies including Safeguarding. Click HERE.

Newsletters for Safeguarding and Wellbeing

Autumn 24



At St Werburgh’s we take all aspects of bullying seriously. Please speak to your child’s teacher, our Learning Mentor MrsBarradell, abarradell@stwerburghs.derby.sch.uk, or our Headteacher Mrs R Dean, head@stwerburghs.derby.sch.uk, if you think your child may be being bullied.

Ways that we prevent and deal with bullying

We use a combination of approaches to combat bullying at St Werburgh’s. We always start by listening to our children.

Below are some of the strategies we may use:

  • Our Learning Mentor is a named person your child can go to for support at school.
  • Playground Peacemakers are a dedicated band of older children who are trained to provide support and someone to talk to. This helps everyone in the school learn that bullying is not acceptable.
  • We are a ‘telling school’ so that if a child being bullied is unable to or too scared to tell a teacher or other adult, all other children know it is their duty to report it.
  • Circle of Friends is used to promote the inclusion. It involves pupils, teachers and parents. It aims to help children develop social and communication skills and help them build friendships with each other. Through regular meetings, children are encouraged to look at their own behaviour and develop an understanding of their needs and the needs of others.
  • Providing activities where our diverse children spend time together. This can help to change views and attitudes.
  • Organising group and individual sessions for children based on listening and behavioural therapy. This might involve looking at anger management, social skills, developing the ability to react in an agreed way, building resilience, improving emotional health and finding opportunities for relaxation.
  • Restorative justice brings all the children involved together so everyone affected plays a part in repairing the harm and finding a positive way forward. We follow these principles:
    • Bullying and harassment occur in the context of group behaviour.
    • Behaviour of children who bully can be changed by working together.
    • Punishments like detention or exclusion don’t help children understand why their behaviour is not acceptable and it may put children at greater risk. Children who display bullying behaviour may seek revenge or continue to bully but change the method they use, making it harder to detect and resolve.
    • The aim is to develop empathy and concern for others.

We have regular training for school staff and lessons for children to encourage both staff and pupils to think of ways to make the school more inclusive.

Please visit our policies page here for further information.

Click here to view our Child friendly bullying policy.

Click here to view our STOP Bullying Leaflet recently designed by the children of St Werburgh’s to educate children, staff and parents about bullying.

Online Safety

The main goal of Safer Internet Day is to raise awareness and start a conversation about internet safety, particularly with pupils who may not understand how to stay safe when using the internet. Unfortunately, as a school we cannot make the whole internet safe, but we can raise the awareness to both pupils and parents of how to try and stay safe online, so by working together we can have a bigger impact. The aim is to make a safer and better internet for everyone; children and adults alike!

Safer Internet Day 2025 will be on Tuesday 11th February at St Werburgh’sEach year, Safer Internet Day covers a new theme. This year, the theme is Together for a better Internet . The internet plays a huge part in the lives of young people today, with many playing games, posting on social media, and/or using video sharing platforms. It can be used positively, helping young people learn new skills, express themselves creatively, and strengthen social bonds. However, the use of many popular online platforms has also been linked to low self-esteem and anxiety. They also come with a set of safeguarding risks, including the pressure to participate in dangerous challenges to cyber-bullying. 

It’s very important to provide young people with a safe space where they can share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences about life online. This can help teachers and parents alike to promote wellbeing and to better understand the specific safeguarding risks affecting the young people in their care. If you’d like to learn even more about this important topic, be sure to check out some of the webpage links below to learn more about children’s internet safety.












Parent Help Links inc. Mental Health and Wellbeing

Derby and Derbyshire Emotional Health and Wellbeing Resource

Place2Be Wellbeing Resource for Parents

Support for Derby Domestic Violence/Derby City life Links

Derby Women's Centre

CEOPs Links/NSPCC/Childline


