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The Parish School of St Werburghs Spondon

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The Parish School of St Werburghs Spondon


The school aims to provide a broad and balanced curriculum within a Christian atmosphere and a caring, stimulating and happy environment.

Our curriculum intent is to:

  • offer exciting learning opportunities that will expand horizons, enthuse pupils and allow them to flourish.
  • enable pupils to explore their curiosities and develop their independence.
  • encourage high aspirations and personal resilience: embracing mistakes and challenges as part of the learning process.
  • enable pupils to make positive contributions to their community and beyond.

We follow the National Curriculum which is a very challenging curriculum. We follow a theme-based curriculum with an emphasis on knowledge. We ensure that vocabulary and key concepts are built on and expanded as the pupils progress through the school.

Foundation Stage
Children in Foundation follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. In the academic year 2018/19, we made huge changes to our Foundation unit and bought a variety of new resources to support the children in learning after consultation with experts in the field. All children are assessed by an online assessment tool called 2build a profile. Phonics are taught in Foundation and KS1 using the Letters & Sounds programme. Our Reading Scheme in KS1 is the Oxford Reading Tree; Hero Academy and Alien Adventures. The books closely match the phonics level the children are working on.

For more curriculum information click below: