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The Parish School of St Werburghs Spondon

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The Parish School of St Werburghs Spondon

Pupil Premium

What is it?

The pupil premium is funding allocated to schools for the specific purpose of boosting the attainment of pupils from low-income families. Funding is based on:

  • Children who have registered for a free school meal at any point in the last 6 years.
  • Children that are in care or adopted.
  • Children whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces.

Why has it been introduced?

The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) and their wealthier peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most. Whilst schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit we are required to publish online information about how we have used the Premium and the impact it is having.

St Werburgh’s Pupil Premium Strategy and Statement

For details of how much Pupil Premium funding we have secured this year, and the difference our funding made last academic year, view the reviewed Pupil Premium Strategy Statement and our 3-Year Pupil Premium Strategy Statement below.

At St Werburgh’s we have adopted a ‘Positively Privileged’ approach to supporting the underserved pupils in our care.

 Our promise:

  • We will publish our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement on our website, using the DfE template.
  • To continue to facilitate training for all staff, so they understand the causes and barriers to learning sharing strategies to help improve the outcomes for disadvantaged pupils.
  • To stringently monitor and analyse the academic outcomes, attendance, persistent absence, exclusions, rewards and sanctions and extra-curricular engagement to identify priority areas to address.
  • To have a trained Pupil Premium governor to support the work of the school and hold the school accountable for the education of disadvantaged pupils.
  • To deliver a broad, deep, and balanced curriculum that focuses strongly on disadvantaged pupils social, emotional and enrichment opportunities.
  • Be an enabler for pupils to attend extra-curricular activities where cost is not a barrier for disadvantaged pupils.

Check if you are eligible for Free School Meals by clicking here.

Further information can be found here on the Department for Education Guidance: Pupil Premium Overview.

Pupil Premium Lead: Mrs Fiona Richards & Pupil Premium Governor: Julian Hollywell

11 things to do before you’re 11

In partnership with the Pupil Premium pupils, St Werburgh’s are delighted to publish a list of activities and experiences that have been identified to complete before leaving primary school. Through considered planning, these opportunities will be woven throughout our engaging curriculum to empower all pupils to experience the unknown and find their inner-self.

Click here for the 11 things to do before you’re 11.