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The Parish School of St Werburghs Spondon

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The Parish School of St Werburghs Spondon

British Values


In accordance with The Department for Education we actively promote British Values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain.


Our children are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law.


The Key British Values are:


  • Democracy
  • Rule of Law
  • Individual Liberty
  • Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those who have different faiths or beliefs or none


How do we teach British Values?


Britain has undergone rapid economic and social change in the last few decades and we live in an increasingly diverse society. We teach our children that it is possible to live together peacefully, each of them a valuable part of our multicultural world.

We don’t plan specific ‘lessons’ to teach children British values – they are included in everything we do. We deliver a curriculum which includes teaching children about British values – and preparing them for life in modern Britain.


Here are some examples of how British Values are embedded in our day-to-day curriculum:


  • We teach children to be kind, helpful and respectful of others in all that they do
  • We teach children that it is wrong to discriminate, bully, mock or harass anyone because of their race, gender, size, shape, colour or academic or sporting ability… or any other reason!
  • We teach children to be an active part of our local community
  • We plan to celebrate festivals and mark special days that communities in our city and around the world celebrate
  • We teach the children about compromise – that some of us believe one thing… some of us believe something totally different… but we can all play together in the same house (or group or class) and respect each other.
  • We teach children to work together – we plan lessons that involve everyone and we plan group times, where children learn to listen, take turns and value contributions from others.
  • We teach children about the world in which we live – the world on our doorstep and the wider world – through books, posters, planned activities, resources, outings and visitors


Picture News plays a key part in our teaching of British Values. Each week, children explore a question based on world news, allowing them time to listen to what other people think about an issue and express their views.


This table shows how British Values were discussed through Picture News in the last term: Picture News and British Values