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The Parish School of St Werburghs Spondon

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The Parish School of St Werburghs Spondon

Governing Body

The governing body’s main task is to support the school and they have an important part to play in raising school standards.

They set targets within school and are responsible for monitoring and evaluating progress towards those targets. Governors volunteer their time to ensure that together, children at St Werburgh’s can live life in all its fullness.

Chair of Governors – Mrs Kate Leatherbarrow – Trust Governor

Vice Chair – Canon Julian Hollywell

Headteacher – Mrs Rachael Dean

Staff Governor – Mrs Christina Proudler

Parent Governors – Sara Krohl, Lora Turner and Rebecca Bostock

Trust Governors – Mrs Rosemary Wibberley, Mrs Angie Ford, James Eames, Caroline Mordecai, Kate Smedley

Clerk to the Governors – Karen Phillips (kphillips@stwerburghs.derby.sch.uk)

For further details about our governors please click here. We do not have any Associate Governors. 

There are 6 LAC meetings per year and no finance wef 1.9.24. Governors currently serving do not have any financial interests in school. 

Should you wish to contact the Chair of Governors click here.

The structure and remit of the trust members, board of trusties, its committees and local governing boards can be found via the link https://ddat.org.uk

To view the Scheme of Delegation please click here.