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The Parish School of St Werburghs Spondon

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The Parish School of St Werburghs Spondon


At St Werburgh’s Primary School, we want physical education (PE) to encourage and inspire children to make positive decisions, which will allow them to live a healthy active lifestyle and a lifelong interest in physical activity.

In addition to this, our ambitious and inclusive PE curriculum aims to challenge and develop every child holistically. Children have the opportunity to develop their physical, social and cognitive skills through a wide range of sports, such as gymnastics, dance and invasion games.

Throughout their time at St Werburgh’s, children will attend swimming lessons, which will enable children to develop confidence in water with the aim of swimming 25m unaided. Children can also take part in active lunch times and attend a range of out of school sporting events. We also offer a range of extra-curricular clubs, which encourage physical activity and provide children the opportunity to broaden their experience and to take part in competitive sport.