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The Parish School of St Werburghs Spondon

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The Parish School of St Werburghs Spondon


At St Werburgh’s we look to the future by embracing new technologies and ways of working as soon as we are able to.

We thrive on utilising technology in every aspect of our school day and focus on the skills which will set our pupils apart from the rest. We teach the Computing curriculum based on knowledge, skill and understanding of the essential skills for learning and life in a technological world-wide workforce.

The children have a secure online learning platform which they can access both at school and at home, and have links to additional online learning resource subscriptions. 

We take e-safety very seriously. At the start of each year, pupils are taught an e-safety unit, sign an acceptable user policy and are signposted to where they can find help. E-safety is covered through a combination of proactive and reactive lessons tailored to the current cohorts social trend needs.  
